
“Error running signature socket software and refreshing the page” and its solution.

“Your signed login request is being sent to the server. Please wait,” and “Invoice cancellation request could not be saved.” These errors can also be associated with the “Error running signature socket software and refreshing the page.” mentioned above.

Common errors encountered by users:

  • Accessing your smart card…
  • Unable to access certificates on your smart card.
  • Unable to access the e-invoice cancellation portal signing tool.
  • Invoice cancellation request could not be saved. Please refresh the page and try again.
  • An error occurred during the signature process.
  • Please check your internet connection settings.
  • Unable to access the signature socket server. Please run the signature socket software and refresh the page.
  • Your signed login request is being sent to the server. Please wait. Your signature is being applied. Please wait.

Note from our Technical Support Team: The main cause of all these errors is actually almost the same. We will explain all the necessary programs and software solutions below, but sometimes it may not be possible to resolve these errors due to factors such as differences in operating systems and programs on your computers. Assuming that your KAMUSM’s fiscal seal and other e-signature drivers and certificates are installed and your PIN code is ready, we will start with the solution. If you don’t have these programs on your computer, start the process after downloading the necessary installations and completing the physical installation of the fiscal seal.
Download e-Invoice Web Socket – Signature Socket Software

NOTE: If you are a Windows 7 user, Internet Explorer 9 or above must be installed. For Windows 10 users, there is no need to make any updates in Explorer.

Download Internet Explorer Certificate

After downloading this program, run it and click the “get the certificate” button. This process enables the opening of (https://localhost:8543/). Make sure that Internet Explorer is set as the default browser; if not, change it to the default browser in the settings.

Although it seems important to install Java 32-bit or Java 64-bit on the internet, the correct procedure is to enter Java’s official website and download the version directed by the browser.

After installing Java, find Java in the Control Panel. In the Security tab, you need to add https://ebelge.gib.gov.tr/ to the “Edit Site List” section.

If you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Opera browsers, make sure they are up to date, and you can download Java through these browsers. The solution to the “Error running signature socket software and refreshing the page.” is 50% browser and 50% Java, so it is important to have the latest version and ensure Java-browser compatibility.

After making all these settings, you can complete your login process with peace of mind.

Useful Links:

Download Chrome Browser

Download Firefox Browser

Download Opera Browser

Download Java

Download e-Invoice Web Socket

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