At Sunucu Teknik, we offer a powerful defense mechanism designed to protect businesses’ digital assets and data.

IT Network Security

In a digitalized world, it is vital for businesses to protect their digital assets and take precautions against cyber threats. With increasing digitalization, cyberattacks have also become more sophisticated and complex. These attacks can seriously affect businesses’ customer information, financial data and reputation.

Network Security

Network security are tools designed to monitor and prevent unauthorized network intrusions, attacks on the availability, confidentiality and integrity of all resources. This defense mechanism aims to keep malicious efforts away from your sensitive data. Protection, detection and response components form the basis of network security.

Firewall, an important security solution for businesses to protect against external threats, offers detection and response capabilities against advanced attacks. By incorporating solutions such as Web Security and IPS, it helps businesses control their internet access and protect them from malicious software.

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NAC and IPS Technologies

Network Access Control (NAC) technology is a system that regulates users’ access to workplace networks with their devices in wired and wireless networks within certain policies and certificates. NAC strengthens the network security of businesses by ensuring that only users who comply with security policies and are authorized to access the network are included in the network.

An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a network security system that works to detect and prevent defined threats. IPS continuously monitors your network, looking for potential malicious events and collecting information about them. In this way, it helps businesses protect their digital assets by keeping their networks secure.

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Network Access Control (NAC)

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    • 20 years in IT.
    • Over 40 experts.
    • Over 2,000 success stories.
    • ISO 9001 certification to guarantee service quality and customer data security.