
What is a server?

What is a Server?

Servers, which form the basis of today’s information technology, have become crucial in people’s lives. The majority of digital tools used and almost all online services are provided to individuals through servers. So, what is the conceptual definition of servers that are essential in life and what lies at the core of their functioning principles?
Technically, a server is the name given to the systems that enable digital data to be made accessible to users over computer networks. When the word “server” is heard, the first thing that comes to mind is a hardware device, but this is incorrect. Servers are not only composed of physical devices. Software tools are also needed for these hardware components to function properly. In short, servers can be said to consist of two main components: hardware and software.

A server, technically referred to as a “server,” is the name given to the systems that enable digital data to be made accessible to users over computer networks. When the word “server” is heard, the first thing that comes to mind is a hardware device, but this is incorrect. Servers are not only composed of physical devices. Software tools are also needed for these hardware components to function properly. In short, servers can be said to consist of two main components: hardware and software.

Among users, there is confusion between PCs and servers, which are two different systems. At first glance, these two systems have many similarities. Although they may seem similar in theory, the situation is different in practice. PCs are designed for personal use based on their operating principles. However, servers are based on a multi-access logic.

References: What is a Server?

What are the Types of Servers?

Servers are divided into different groups based on their operating principles and the services they provide. Individuals can perform their digital activities by choosing the right server type according to their needs. So, what are these server types? It is possible to express this topic under a few headings…
We mentioned the most commonly preferred types of servers, which are the software-based ones. Additionally, as known, there are hardware-based server types. Hardware servers are physically similar to the standard computers we use at home. Examples of these are ATX and Tower Type cases. However, they have designs that require high precision in cooling principles. This is because server hardware operates at high performance levels, which can lead to heating issues. Therefore, server hardware is produced or chosen according to the structure and operational capacity of the location it will be used in.

Although servers have different types, they belong to a common structure in terms of operating principles. Especially compared to personal computers, they have much larger memory and network connectivity, allowing simultaneous access to millions of users regardless of the intended use. In today’s digital world, the support of servers is required for almost all actions that need to be performed.

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