
What is a server?


A server, in Turkish known as a “sunucu,” is a computer unit that allows users to access and utilize available resources in other computer networks. It not only runs open-source software but also operates certain services. Examples of these services include FTP, email, and websites. What is a perki server? How does a server work? We have provided the answers to these questions that everyone in the IT world should know…

Server systems are formed by the combination of various hardware components. Since multiple users access these components, servers exhibit much higher performance compared to regular desktop computers. Therefore, they need to have high specifications. On the other hand, the increasing usage of internet networks and the widespread use of computers have led to the creation of various types of servers. The most commonly preferred server types today can be listed as follows:

File Server: It is the name given to systems where files are shared collectively over a network.
Database Server: It is a type of server created to provide database services.
Web Server: It is the area where visual and textual data of web pages on the internet portal are stored.
Proxy Server: It is a type of intermediate server used for internet access. The device that will access uses the Proxy server as an exit point.
DNS Server: It is used to store domain redirections during internet access.

The server types mentioned above have an important role in the healthy functioning of today’s internet world. If you wish, you can visit our article on ‘What is a Server?’ to learn more about this topic.

How Does a Server Work?

Servers communicate with browsers using the HTTP protocol. If the required server software is installed on the system and it has the necessary specifications to meet maximum performance, it can be said that every computer is a server. So how does a server work? Here are the details…

Physical servers resemble desktop computers. However, they have a much more powerful structure compared to them. In some cases, they are also supported by two or more virtual machines due to the intensity of clients. Each server operates on an operating system. Having multiple server hardware components means bringing together multiple operating systems. This is where a software called a hypervisor stands out. Through this software, all operating systems are brought together and managed.

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