
What is CPU?


WHAT IS CPU?; CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit in English. Its equivalent in Turkish is Merkezi İşlem Birimi. The general definition of CPU is a type of system that processes data or executes software commands in computers or similar technological devices. It has a working principle that processes the commands contained within the active program.

It is possible to define CPU as a system capable of performing arithmetic operations. It also performs logical operations. It operates in compatibility with software between two units. CPU operates with a low-level coding system called machine language. This low-level coding is of a type that computers can perceive.

In the history of computing, the first CPU was introduced in 1970 with the Intel 4004 model. However, it had a quite simple structure. The production of a more comprehensive microprocessor was achieved in 1974. The model of the CPU produced in that year with an advanced structure is Intel 8080. From those dates to the present day, CPUs have become much more advanced in structure.

Each CPU has a different operating speed. There are many different factors that determine the operating speeds. The quality of the architecture and production technology used are the main factors that determine the speed of CPUs. The speeds of microprocessors are expressed using units such as HZ, MHZ, and GHZ. However, nowadays, technology has advanced significantly, and CPUs have reached superior performance, so only the GHZ unit is used. Thus, we have answered the question of what CPU is in detail.

Source: Merkezi İşlem Birimi


As mentioned above, microprocessors are components that have the ability to perform arithmetic and logical operations. They use a low-level coding system. They use the coding of 0 and 1. The signals sent to the processor are processed through millions of transistors to execute commands.

Using transistors provides users with many advantages. Firstly, it has a high level of security and operates with low power consumption. These systems, initially produced experimentally, led to the creation of supercomputers with further development by technology companies.

Another important question is the value of the CPU. CPU systems are subject to a value based on their speed. This value represents the amount of cycles per second. For example, a processor with a speed of 750 Hz means that it can perform 750 cycles per second.

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