
What is ACD?

ACD, short for Automatic Call Distribution, is a modern call center technology. It answers incoming calls and distributes them to specific departments or individuals based on call rules. It is the most preferred call technology today due to its facilitation of communication and prevention of call accumulation. Companies choose this method to provide quality communication to their customers. In this article, we will provide a detailed answer to the question “What is ACD?”

The ACD system is a technology based on specific software algorithms and the principle of interactive voice response menus. These routing menus operate entirely based on rules. Invented in the early 1950s, this technology is now widely used.

How Does ACD Work?

Every element involved in the automatic call system is a member of a group. Incoming calls to the system are filtered through interactive voice menus and then directed to the desired group. In short, calls are queued in a department and then distributed to the appropriate points. This way, chaos and time loss in communication are avoided. When we call corporate companies today, the voice operator we connect to belongs to this system.

Efficiency is the most important factor for companies today. Ensuring healthy communication with their customers is also a top priority action plan. The ACD system brings together both of these essential needs. The fact that everything in this system is entirely software-based enables minimal workforce, which emphasizes efficiency. Quality communication is achieved by ensuring that the caller reaches the desired area accurately. The ACD system has various usage strategies, and some of them can be listed as follows:

Linear Call Distribution: It is a linear distribution system. Incoming calls are automatically distributed according to a specific order logic. Round-Robin Call Distribution: It is also referred to as circular. Distribution starts from the representative who received the last call. Weighted Call Distribution: Distribution is carried out according to the percentages determined by the algorithms for each representative. Uniform Call Distribution: Priority is given to representatives who have been idle for a long time in this distribution method. Simultaneous Call Distribution: There is no selection style. All incoming calls are distributed to all representatives. The person who answers the call first starts the conversation.

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