
What is Docker and Kubernetes?


In order to provide an accurate answer to the question of what Docker and Kubernetes are, it is more appropriate to examine these two terms separately. Docker is a software that enables operating system-level virtualization, also known as containerization. It was first released in 2013.

Docker is used to run software packages called “containers.” These containers have an independent and isolated working principle. Each container operates on a kernel present on the operating system. As a result, they are much lighter compared to virtual machines.

Docker programs are often confused with virtual machines. If you want to have detailed information about virtualization, you can take a look at our article on “Virtualization Solutions.” As it is known, virtualized systems are completely virtual. However, Docker operates by using the same kernel as the host system. Therefore, it takes up less space compared to virtual machines and exhibits high performance.

Source: What is Docker?

Kubernetes is fundamentally similar to Docker in principle. However, Kubernetes has some main differences. In brief, Kubernetes is an open-source software that manages the operation of containers. These operations are carried out through API presentation. It works in integration with the Docker program since Docker is an application that enables the execution of containers.

Kubernetes is often referred to as “kubernitis.” It organizes clusters of virtual machines and enables them to run on virtual devices based on container resource requirements. Containers are grouped through pods, which are the basic processing units in Kubernetes. Scaling and managing pods enable the application to run.

What is the Difference Between Kubernetes and Docker?

Kubernetes and Docker are often confused with each other. While there are similarities, they have fundamental differences. It would be more accurate to approach this question as follows: Kubernetes and Docker are two applications that work integrated with each other but have differences. The main difference between them is that Docker is developed to run on a single node, while Kubernetes is designed to work on a cluster.

Kubernetes has a more extensive container structure compared to Docker. Additionally, it coordinates the nodes in the production environment in a more reasonable scale and efficient manner. The pods in the Kubernetes system are distributed to separate nodes to ensure accessibility. Thus, we have answered the question of what Docker and Kubernetes are.

Source: What is the Difference Between Kubernetes and Docker?

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