
What is Dropbox?


With the widespread use of the internet in today’s world, the sizes of the files being used have also increased proportionally. Especially in virtual platforms, the usage of photos and videos has significantly increased. While this situation makes life easier, it also brings about some challenges. Insufficient storage space is one of the most important ones among them. So what is Dropbox? You can find the details in the continuation of the article…

Although computer storage spaces are high, the situation is different for phones and tablets. The memory capacities of phones and tablets, which are indispensable elements of daily life, are produced in inadequate scales. It is not possible to apply high storage technology due to their sizes. That’s exactly where Dropbox comes in.

Dropbox, in general definition, is a file hosting service. In other words, it is a virtual storage space. It not only provides storage service but also serves as a network program that allows data sharing. By synchronizing their devices with the Dropbox system, phones or mobile devices expand their storage space. Additionally, users can share stored documents such as music, photos, videos, and text with other devices if they wish.

Each user in the Dropbox application has a 2 GB free data storage right. However, they can share data with other users on the network without any limits. This application, which was launched in June 2007 in the United States, is one of the most widely used virtual storage spaces today. With all this information, we have answered the question of what Dropbox is.

Source: Dropbox

Dropbox Features

Dropbox, which is one of the most widely used virtual storage platforms today, is generally known for its data storage feature. However, it has many other different features that it offers to its users apart from this basic function. So what are the Dropbox features? Here are the details…

It has 2 GB of storage space for free. If needed, storage space of up to 3 TB can be purchased.
Regulations can be made regarding who can access the backed-up data. It can be made publicly accessible if desired.
Shared files can be encrypted and the sharing period can be determined.
It has high-level security measures. The two-factor authentication application is an indication of this.
Microsoft Office documents can be opened and edited within the system.

To learn more about Dropbox usage and virtualization solutions that encompass more, you can click on the link.

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